20 Valorant Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing… | Valorant Tips, Tricks, and Guides

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27 thoughts on “20 Valorant Tips I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing… | Valorant Tips, Tricks, and Guides

  1. so what do i do if my teammates walk staight into a grenade from KAY/O with 1 health while im dead and cant talk to them or chat because they dont respond or listen or stay next to the spike while the spike is gonna go boom and they can run with no worry but decided to die with a vandal and a operator while im dead and they dont wanna run because they think the enemy is right around the corner waiting to kill them

  2. normally i come across a starter in unrated but when i try to give tips they just ignore even though they really ez to do, just like if ur gonna be a duelist make sure to check corners when ur in front, and as u said u don't really need to focus on aim, so they normally die but atleast they did something good instead just ingnoring and let teammates die because they didn't check atleast a corner.

  3. i disagree with playing less i mean its true to a certain extent but if you take breaks inbetween your games like 10-5min breaks its no problem at all atleast for me but i guess someone with a dogshit mental and huge ego will probably need to play less because they will ruin mental over 1 game

  4. The first tip works for nearly any slower fps game

    I play a lot of extraction shooters too and my aim is…average at best (some days I feel I have aim it but others feel like I am 4 years old using a mouse for the first time)

    So I mainly focus on positioning and making fights as one sided as possible.

    It’s def still important to learn enough aiming to be able to win duels but it’s more important to learn how to make “duels” one sided IMO

  5. I don't understand the counterstrafing one. I see it recommended a ton! And then you actually watch a pro match and they are crouching 90%+ of fights

  6. Sorry, but I can't agree with the part where I have 4 other teammates the same rank as me. In low elo (b3) I constantly get paired with iron players in my team (2, sometimes even 3 of them). I'm not saying they're worse than me, but there certainly is a difference between an Iron and a Bronze player in their aim and movement. It kind of kills the logic of having a rank, but after gold I noticed you get paired with people your rank, while in bronze I get irons and bronzes vs bronzes and silvers. Which is rather unfair, as the difference between a bronze and a silver is a skyrocket in their crosshair placement, utility usage, comms and movement..

  7. In my opinion philipine servers are so shitty in low elo. Take this as an example our killjoy swings mid (its on ascent btw) and we are 3-10. And then proceeds to scream at us for going a main instead of catwalk, so sitting im
    there confused on why some 16 year old philipino kid is screaming at me for not trading him (btw his aim is halariously bad)

  8. I am a beginner main Yoru, my Strategy is pretending I am my Clone and just run forward like an idiot. I desperately need your help to make me look cool. So far my execution is flawless, enemy ignores my existence. However I am having problems with turning around and 1v5 the entire enemy team. Please Help ME! Shoot them as long as they are confused why is this Yoru doing the same dumb fake every single round and wonder is maybe this time it's actually the clone.

  9. I just started valorant and it's genuinely annoying as to how much people smurf, I try practicing in multiple game modes but can't do so since I always end up getting one shot from people who's main accs are high rank. I get matched with high level people too, it's hard to understand if I keep dying first at rounds, I expected much since I heard that valorant matches you up according to skill but I don't think it does after all the matches I've played. I can agree its fun, but it would definitely be more fun if I was able to play against people leveled up to my terrible skills

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