How the Crash of Flight 4590 Destroyed Concorde's Mystique

The Concorde was once the peak of cutting-edge aircraft design and a status symbol for the world’s elite travelers. But the horrific 2000 crash of flight 4590 marked a turning point for this iconic aviation brand.

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From: AIR DISASTERS: Concorde – Up in Flames


33 thoughts on “How the Crash of Flight 4590 Destroyed Concorde's Mystique

  1. Please try to replace fuel with electrical power which can reduce the crash. And try to change the building element of the existing runway. Thanks from Bangladesh.

  2. Celui Qui a mis la barre de fer sur la piste pour le crach du concorde est près à dire son nom car il y a plus de 20 ans et il ne risque plus rien pour la justice mais il faut 500 millions pour sa réussite.

  3. Decision speed – why can't takeoff be aborted at any speed? Runways should be designed to be long enough for that, no? Or is it more complicated than that? In any case, my basic instinct tells me the chance of survival is higher if the plane doesn't leave the ground.

  4. Skip this video. It's the usual overblown and crapola Smithsonian "analysis" with dummy footage and a wordy narcissist providing a simplistic explanation. Why not use the REAL video?

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