Level Design At Ubisoft

“I’m a gamer myself and I know what to expect to have fun with the game, and by bringing that mindset into design it really helps being able to push the design even further.” Adrien, Gabriel, Manny, Sirada and Stéphane share their experiences as level designers at Ubisoft.

Want to join the team? Apply now here: http://jobs.ubisoft.com or check out other types of jobs available below…

Consumer Engagement : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk10JnGJlRA
Technical Art: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJCkPqpn_Zk
Project Management: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXUnF58HcGk
Online Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nt1T0ANG-c
Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltk72tZed8g
IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy9QLjPfYG8
Gameplay Programming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNpxtl8KReg


22 thoughts on “Level Design At Ubisoft

  1. I know ubisoft have a really bad reputation with their visual downgrades especially after showing us trailers and gameplay reveals but I think they're the best at creating forest environments. Games like farcry primal has the best wildlife I've ever seen in a video game. Even King Kong on the ps2 has very good looking jungle. Better than most modern jungles. That's my opinion though

  2. Ubisoft idea of level design Take a photo of a real place and put assets
    Meanwhile Doom, RE originals the best Levels EVER and aren't a copies of anything.

  3. This is why I love YT. Idiotic corps wanting to look more human will read comment sections full of mistakes they make every game they release in hunt for more money.

  4. So many negative comments 🙁 It's easy to criticise, not so easy to actually make something yourself. Show me an open world that YOU have made that's better than a Ubisoft one, then we'll talk.

    It takes thousands of people at least a year to make each of these games, and all anybody can do is whine, rather than recognising the extraordinary amount of work that goes into each game. Not to mention that each game is expected to be bigger and with better graphics than the one before, so the developers are basically constantly learning on the job and pushing their limits.

    They have high expectations placed on them and not much time to do it. It's understandable that there's sometimes repetition or bugs.

    Why not focus on the incredible amount they get right, not the few things they get wrong?

  5. i want to be someone who gives ideas, for games,names,levels etc… i dont know how to code so is there anything i could do that doesn`t involve coding? im 15 and trying to learn as much as i can if anyone have any answers anything that will help me dont be afraid to leave a comment.

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